The following conditions apply to the contents, databases and information provided on the Brick Products Processing S.C. website accessible online at by Brick Products Processing S.C. – Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (hereinafter referred to as “Brick Products Processing S.C.”).

Brick Products Processing S.C. provides the information accessible online on the Brick Products Processing S.C. website such as graphics, images, audio documents, video sequences, text, invitations to tender and downloads (hereinafter referred to as “content”) for the purposes of providing online information via the internet (hereinafter referred to as “website”). By using this online service you agree with the following usage and license conditions.


Copyrights and usage rights

Brick Products Processing S.C. is and remains the owner of all rights (particularly all items protected by copyright and associated rights of protection, including the rights of the database producer as well as all other rights including the legal positions protected in accordance with the supplementary protection of related rights under competition law) in relation to the content accessible on the Brick Products Processing S.C. website (including Brick Products Processing S.C. news) and databases.

Any reproduction of the content provided on the website in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without the express agreement of Brick Products Processing S.C.


Enabling use

Brick Products Processing S.C. provides the Brick Products Processing S.C. website for use within the context of its own technical and operational capabilities. Brick Products Processing S.C. makes every effort to ensure as little interruption as possible to availability. Temporary restrictions or interruptions – e.g. caused by technical faults – are possible at any time. The user is responsible for the technical requirements necessary for the contractual use of the website. Brick Products Processing S.C. does not offer any advice in relation to this. Users are prohibited from taking any action intended to impair the smooth operation of the Brick Products Processing S.C. website, particularly excessively burdening the systems.


Usage permit

Brick Products Processing S.C. grants the user the non-transferable and non-exclusive right, which is limited to the duration of the authorized use of the Brick Products Processing S.C. website, to use the content of the Brick Products Processing S.C. website accessible to the user within the context of the user’s respective work in the customary way for the purposes of information, work and planning with Brick Products Processing S.C. products. These rights include the right of storage if this is associated with the normal access and/or the normal use of the Brick Products Processing S.C. website. The user is only authorized to download content and to print content if Brick Products Processing S.C. provides the opportunity to download or print as a feature (such as a download button or link).

This authorization does not include the right for the user to wholly or partially reproduce or disseminate the contents other than for the individual case, to make the content accessible on the internet or to disseminate the content other than for the individual case. The user shall not grant third parties access to the contents of the databases other than for this use. Any change, adaptation, division/separation or other modification to the databases and/or content (including modification using add-on programs, translation, retrogression, decompiling, disassembly or the connection with other software and/or other data or databases), the removal of logos and/or corporate names and/or author identification and/or author logos is not permitted; Ethiopian Copyright Act  remains unaffected. The user may not dispose of, rent out, sublicense or otherwise make available to third parties the content and/or databases or commercially exploit such content and/or databases in any other way. Any breach of these provisions shall entitle Brick Products Processing S.C. to terminate the agreement without notice and shall place an obligation on the user amongst other things to provide compensation; such a breach may also be a criminal offence.


Content transmitted by the user

If the user transmits content or other data to Brick Products Processing S.C. via the Brick Products Processing S.C. website, it shall grant Brick Products Processing S.C. the right to use such content and data free of charge for the intended purpose of the respective transmission. This right includes in any event usage in the context of the transmission of the message and its attachments and the receipt of such as well as the right to publish to third parties as long as this is provided by statute or has been ordered by a government authority or a court. By transmitting content and data, the user declares that Brick Products Processing S.C. is entitled to grant rights associated with the transmission.



Due to the large amount of information contained in the content and databases accessible online, there may be individual instances of faulty content or information despite careful processing and checking. Brick Products Processing S.C. shall not be liable for faults in connection with the Brick Products Processing S.C. website or its contents, including databases, and shall not assume liability for any losses resulting from such faults or the accuracy of the available contents and information.

This also applies to restricted accessibility and functionality of the Brick Products Processing S.C. website in particular. The end user shall therefore take reasonable precautions in the event that the website is not working properly either in whole or in part.

Brick Products Processing S.C. does not assume any liability under this agreement with regard to guarantees or compensation. Brick Products Processing S.C. and the end user particularly agree that the use of the website and its contents is no substitute for professional advice.


Applicable law, place of jurisdiction

This agreement is subject to the law of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia excluding the provisions of international private law. The place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from or in connection with this agreement is Ethiopia.